8 Refrigerator brands to avoid [3 to consider]

Last Updated on January 2, 2023 by E.Pery

A refrigerator is a costly long-term investment that you should make wisely. Buying an unreliable refrigerator could not only lead to a colossal waste of money but also endanger your health.

The refrigerator brand is among the most important factors to consider before clicking on the “Buy” icon. When purchasing a new fridge, buy a brand that is known for its efficiency and durability. Otherwise, you may end up with an enormous piece of junk in your kitchen that costs you a fortune in monthly repairs.

This article will assist you in identifying the least reliable refrigerator brands and introduce you to appliances that will give you value for your money in the next ten-plus years.

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Refrigerator Brands To Avoid
Which Refrigerator Brands To Avoid?

7 red flags to help you identify fridge brands to avoid

One of the best ways to know which refrigerator brand to avoid is to read genuine reviews from customers on what problems to expect from a particular brand.

Here are some common issues that make refrigerator brands unreliable.

  1. Poor Quality Materials And Construction
  2. Doors That Don’t Seal Properly
  3. Leaks
  4. Short Or Limited Warranties
  5. Malfunctions
  6. Pricey Parts
  7. Poor Care Service

1. Poor quality materials and construction

Transmission contributes over 50% of the total cooling load for most refrigerators. So when you find a brand with poor-quality materials, you should not expect an excellent refrigeration experience in the long haul.

Refrigerators constructed with solid and durable materials stand the test of time. Additionally, such refrigerators give your kitchen a great appearance. As you shop for a new refrigerator, review customer feedback on the model you want to get to ensure its durability is worth the investment.

2. Doors that don’t seal properly

When purchasing a refrigerator, one of the most significant worries in people’s minds is whether their dream fridge will fit in their kitchen space. However, you should be concerned about a tight door seal as much as you are about getting a counter-depth fridge.

Recommended reading: Best Counter-Depth Refrigerator

You should get one with gaskets that are strongly magnetized. Refrigerators that get quickly de-magnetized prevent the fridge from holding cold air. As a result, the food in the refrigerator gets warm and spoils very quickly. It also leads to high power bills as the fridge works to keep the food frozen or fresh.

You, therefore, cannot afford to buy a refrigerator whose door will hang open sooner than later. Go through customer reviews on the model you want to get and if this is a common problem experienced with your dream fridge model, make a better choice.

3. Leaks

Some refrigerator brands often experience leaks. Various reasons could make a refrigerator leak. Inside water, links are often associated with interior defroster drain line problems, while front water leaks could result from clogged drain tubes.

Photo of Luis Quintero from Pexels

Rear water leaks are often caused by problems with the water line or the ice maker, while a bottom center leak is often associated with a drain pan issue.

When purchasing a new fridge, also watch out for brands with constant ice and water supply problems because they tend to need more repairs than other types of refrigerators.

4. Short or limited warranties

When getting a refrigerator, you want to get one with a comprehensive warranty. Avoid getting a refrigerator from a brand that does not offer many years’ warranties or has limitations concerning labor or parts, especially if you are shopping for a side-by-side or a French-door refrigerator model.

Recommended reading: Best French Door Refrigerator
Best Side-by-Side Refrigerator

The comprehensiveness and length of the warranty are the determinants of the repair costs. So, the more superficial your coverage is, the more expensive it may be to service your refrigerator.

It would be best if you also avoided complicated warranties. You may end up getting very little help with your freezer or refrigerator.

5. Malfunctions

When buying a refrigerator, most people hope that it will live up to expectations throughout its entire life span. However, very few brands live long enough without repairs or the need for replacement.

This is especially so for the side-by-side and French door models, which often experience ice and water dispenser problems, WiFi connection issues, and cooling failures.

So check where the side-by-side or French door refrigerator model rates regarding malfunctions before you shop for that high-end or smart refrigerator.

6. Pricey parts

Let’s say you get a refrigerator brand that, according to trusted reviews, has little need for repair. This is great. However, at some point, you might need to repair a part in your refrigerator or freezer whose cost is not covered under a warranty.

So before you get this fridge, find out whether the parts of that model are available and get a rough estimate of the cost of getting them.

Otherwise, when the need comes, you might have to replace the refrigerator if the spare parts are not readily available or spend repair costs close to the price of a new fridge.

7. Poor care service

This may not be on top of the factors you consider when buying a refrigerator. Still, if your refrigerator has ever been out of commission for weeks as you wait for a replacement part, then you know how important a factor good customer service is.

Also, please find out how long it takes for the company to send someone to service your appliance. If you have to wait for weeks to get your fridge repaired, you might end up wasting food and living without this essential appliance.

You need a very good customer service

Checking consumer reports will also help you find out about a given brand’s customer service; whether the support agents are polite, knowledgeable, and helpful.

The last thing you want is a brand with poor customer support that leads to delays during critical times. Evaluating your options gives you a chance to get the best of everything in your final selection.

8 refrigerator brands to avoid

Now that you understand the gravity of refrigerator models’ issues, you need to go through the list of the least reliable models below based on customer reviews and avoid similar mistakes.

  1. Viking Refrigerators
  2. Kitchen Aid Refrigerators
  3. Maytag Refrigerators
  4. SMEG
  5. Bosch
  6. Frigidaire
  7. Whirlpool
  8. Beko

1. Viking Refrigerators

Viking is one of the most popular brands that manufacture luxurious refrigeration. If you need a high-end French door or counter-depth refrigerator model full of premium features, Viking may crop up as one of the top five brands under consideration. And why not?

Although Viking refrigerators are pretty expensive, most ranging from $3,000 to $10,000 offer extended warranties. There are models with up to 12 years of warranty. This makes Viking fridges seem like a worthy investment.

However, it would be best to overlook common complaints from other customers regarding the refrigerator doors. Misalignment of the doors and doors that don’t seal completely are common problems with refrigerators from this brand.

Other complaints from customers include long waiting times for delivery of the freezer or fridge after purchase. It takes even longer to receive spare parts when replacements are needed.

The most criticized Viking refrigerator model is the Quite Cool Fridge series. Customers complain that it has a poor interior build and that ice often falls out from the ice maker to anywhere within the fridge. Therefore, the refrigerator is prone to water leaks and constant premature repairs, which may require spare parts that take ages to get to you.

These are not issues you deserve to deal with, especially after such a considerable investment. You don’t need to spend a fortune on a Viking refrigerator when you can get a better deal within the same budget.

Check our Best Refrigerator Deals

So, if an ice maker is a must-have on your list, consider getting a refrigerator from another brand such as LG. LG has Craft Ice features that produce ice spheres with a slower melt time than regular ice cubes.

2. Kitchen Aid Refrigerators

Kitchen Aid manufactures a wide range of refrigerator models including, counter-depth, side-by-side, bottom freezer, and French door refrigerators.

The cost of some of these refrigerators can be dear. The 2.4 Cubic Ft. Built-In Stainless Steel French Door Refrigerator, for example, costs over $9,000 at Home Depot.

The most common problems with refrigerators from this brand are doors that don’t align, noisy ice makers and water dispensers, and light problems. There are also numerous complaints about the long wait times for repairs to be done.

Although KitchenAid has durable refrigerators, you need to avoid purchasing their counter-depth refrigerator option. The KitchenAid counter depth refrigerator comes in various sizes ranging from 19 to 27 cubic feet and has multiple stainless steel color options.

You should avoid purchasing this refrigerator model because of several valid concerns including, misaligned freezer doors, uneven refrigerator doors, bent bolding that causes issues with the ice maker and water dispenser, water leaking problems, rusting, poor cooling performance, and bad refrigerator noises after just six months of usage.

3. Maytag Refrigerators

Maytag is another refrigerator brand you should avoid if you want to get a bottom freezer, French door, or side-by-side refrigerator because they have several issues. These issues include uneven doors, poor cooling performance, and problematic freezers.

Side-by-side refrigerators have the most problems. The ice maker breaks within just a few months of usage, water leaks, and has cooling problems. It also has more need for repairs than other models, whose cost ranges from $500 to $1000 at the least!

Numerous buyers also complain that the filters are expensive and have difficulties getting an agent when one needs the company’s support team. The brand also has a lot of issues with its policies and warranties.


SMEG is a pricey brand. If you love flair, then SMEG’s sleek and colorful retro ’50 design will interest you. It comes in various playful colors, and you can choose one that best matches your kitchen layout.

Before you get this appliance, you should note that most customers rate their customer service and temperature efficiency quite poorly.

5. Bosch

You might be surprised to find this brand under this list because it produces various home appliances and equipment. However, some of its refrigerators do not meet the customer’s general expectations. The company has poor after-sales services and confusing terms and conditions.

You should especially avoid purchasing the brand’s 800 series refrigerators because although it has a fascinating outward design, their internal design makes the storage space very tiny.

Its crispers also have difficulty keeping humidity, while the ice maker has numerous problems that cause water leakage in just a few months of usage. Moreover, some parts of the fridge are manufactured from poor-quality materials that damage quickly and are hard to replace.

6. Frigidaire

Frigidaire has been one of the top-rated home appliance brands in the US. However, its rating has been dwindling in recent years due to several concerns that you should not overlook. The biggest issue with this brand is its poor after-sales service.

When the refrigerator breaks, it takes forever for a customer to receive customer service. Many customers also complain that the refrigerators break a few months after purchase and do not get a refund even though their claims are valid.

You should particularly avoid the 27.2 Cubic Feet French Door Refrigerator FGHB2866PF series. Although this refrigerator has many advanced features, such as interior adjustable storage, digital temperature control, crisper drawers, quick freeze, and mark-proof stainless steel, it has many drawbacks that you should pay attention to.

These drawbacks include malfunctioning ice makers, cooling problems, misaligned doors, sensitive dispenser handles, costly repairs, poor warranty, and customer service. If you are stuck on getting a French door refrigerator, it would be wise to get it from another brand like LG.

7. Whirlpool

Whirlpool is one of the most trusted and durable brands in the world. This refrigerator brand is known for its durability and efficiency. However, the Whirlpool fingerprint-resistant fridge is one of the refrigerators you should avoid.

For example, the counter depth is nearly 3 inches away from the walls, the French door refrigerators have misaligned doors, and it produces a shrill noise while running for six months in use. It also has an ice maker that leaks, inside space distribution problems, narrow door shelves, weak door handles, and poor customer service.

So don’t just be attracted to its modern high-end features such as a dual evaporator system, door alarm system, automatic defrosting, and a stainless steel finish. Take the drawbacks into consideration as well before making your final decision.

8. Beko

If you want a high-quality refrigerator at a reasonable price, Beko is the brand to find. It offers a wide range of products that have distinct features. However, not all Beko refrigerators are worth your attention.

For example, the GN1416220CX fridge is cheap, but it is not long-lasting. The BBM450W fridge had various durability and overall longevity issues that should make you take a step back and consider your options carefully.

These issues included fluctuations in temperature, walls made from poor quality materials, loud noise when the ice maker is full, a very few years warranty, and poor customer service.

3 refrigerator brands that you should consider instead

We have covered so many brands that you should avoid, some of which you have greatly favored and trusted in the past. Now you are probably wondering which brand is worth investing in.

When it comes to refrigerators, you should go with the brand that manufactures the best fridge type or model you want to buy.

Let’s look at some of the most recommended refrigerator brand models that you could consider.

  1. LG
  2. GE Refrigerators
  3. Samsung
Recommended reading: Which Refrigerator Brand Is Most Reliable?

1. LG Refrigerator

LG is one of the best-rated refrigerator brands in the world. Customers give excellent feedback on the LG LFXC22596S 22 Cu. Ft. Stainless Smart Counter-Depth Refrigerator. And it’s for many good reasons.

This counter-depth fridge gives you 22 cubic feet of storage space, with an InstaView Door-in-Door that illuminates the contents of your fridge. So you do not have to open the fridge to find what you need. You need only look through the tinted glass panel, locate what you want, and pick it right away.

This feature reduces the amount of warm air that seeps into the fridge as you rummage through stuff to find that leftover deli.

Other exceptional features to expect from this model include a smudge-resistant door finish, a water dispenser, an ice maker, and sliding bins that can be adjusted to fit your storage needs.

This refrigerator can also be managed from an android or iOS phone using an app called ThinQ. This app also allows you to access LG customer care easily and keep your appliance performing to its best at all times.

Last but not least, this LG LFXC22596S fridge is Energy Star(TM) Certified. It has an Inverter Linear Compressor with a 10-year warranty. You can get this fantastic appliance at a reasonable price.

2. GE Profile Refrigerators

GE is another brand that you should consider if you want a durable and reliable refrigerator. This brand manufactures high-quality, budget-friendly refrigerators that suit both your family storage needs and pocket size.

The most popular GE model in 2021 is the GE Profile PYE22KYNFS 36″ Bottom Freezer with a French door. This counter-depth bottom freezer could be a great alternative to the LG LRMDS3006S French door refrigerator.

Although it has a smaller capacity than the LG series, this 36″ French door fridge offers you 22.1 cubic feet of storage space and does not intrude on your kitchen space because it stands flush with your kitchen counters.

Other features include:

  • A fingerprint-resistant finish.
  • An electronic temperature-controlled drawer.
  • A hands-free Autofill.
  • A Twin Chill(TM) evaporator.

You also have the option of getting a second ice maker with this model. It also has an adjustable shelf that increases storage space and makes food organization much more effortless.

3. Samsung Refrigerators

Compared to other refrigerator models, Samsung is relatively new to the industry. Despite this, it has performed exceptionally well in producing reliable, innovative, and high-performance refrigerators trusted worldwide.

Samsung refrigerators have a sleek design that gives your home a modern and contemporary appearance. Most fridges have built-in smart home hubs that allow you to manage your food, see who is at your front door and shop for food items online from the fridge’s screen.

Customers love Samsung refrigerators because it has excellent customer support. This brand gives you lots of tips for troubleshooting problems with your fridge.

Some of the drawback to expect with this brand is costly refrigerators and icemaker issues. Otherwise, it has a long lifespan, and its warranties are solid.

3 mistakes to avoid when purchasing a new refrigerator

Most people want to get the most reliable, efficient, and long-lasting fridge available when buying a refrigerator. However, there are numerous mistakes that they make as they shop for their ideal fridge:

  1. Not doing enough research
  2. Choosing the wrong size
  3. Buying the wrong refrigerator style

1. Not Doing Enough Research

due diligence when searching for a new refrigerator

It would be best if you did adequate due diligence when searching for a new refrigerator. Failing to do as much research as possible makes you lose out on information that could assist you in making a critical decision.

Recommended reading: Refrigerator Buying Guide [8 Simple Steps]

For example, checking out common problems that affect refrigerators is the best way to begin your research. You also need to carefully check out the worst refrigerator models, as this knowledge will prevent you from making the wrong choice of refrigerator.

Other aspects that you should consider include dimensions, storage space, appliance price, warranty, maintenance expenses, and availability of spare parts. Doing this will enable you to make comparisons between brands and assist you in selecting the most reliable and affordable refrigerator.

Once you have selected your ideal refrigerator, check out the negative or positive reviews and make a final decision.

2. Choosing the Wrong Size

One of the worst assumptions that customers hold is that bigger is better. However, this is not always the case. For example, if you live alone and do not intend to have a family soon, getting a side-by-side or French-door refrigerator could turn out to be a colossal waste of money, energy, and food.

Refrigerator Sizes

It will be hard to move in a French door or a side-by-side fridge if you live in an apartment. These types of refrigerators may not fit in doorways or staircases. The best thing to do is get an apartment-sized refrigerator that will fit in the designated space in the kitchen.

If you have a large family, getting a top or bottom freezer may not have adequate storage for all family members. As a result, you might end up overstocking the fridge. Overstuffed refrigerators experience cooling problems.

Recommended reading: How To Choose The Best Apartment-Size Refrigerator?

How to make exact measurements?

Firstly, note down the measurement of your ideal refrigerator and then take a tape measure and measure all the doors and passage paths. Make sure that all the sizes of the hallway match the measurement of the fridge.

If the fridge is slightly bigger than expected, remove all the obstacles from the path before the installation day. Also, consider removing the doors to create a leeway if the fridge is bigger than the doors.

Recommended reading: Refrigerator Sizes

3. Buying the Wrong Refrigerator Style

If you buy the wrong refrigerator style, you get a fridge with a design, shape, or size that does not suit your expectations or storage needs.

Different styles are available in the market, including side-by-side fridges, French doors refrigerators, top or bottom freezers, and column freezers.

To avoid a purchase error, ensure you know which type you want because they all have different specifications, measurements, and prices.

Recommended reading: Refrigerator Buying Guide [8 Simple Steps]


Which Refrigerator Brand Is Most Reliable?

The most reliable refrigerator brands are LG, Samsung, and GE. These brands manufacture refrigerators with fewer problems. Customers love these brands because their French door, side-by-side, and bottom freezers are more durable than other brands. They also require fewer repairs and have excellent customer care service.

What Are The Worst Refrigerator Brands?

It’s hard to pick out the worst refrigerator brands unless you categorize them according to types. As mentioned, companies are better at making certain types of refrigerators than others. However, brands with the worst customer reviews include Viking, Maytag, and Kitchen Aid.

Who makes the most reliable side-by-side refrigerator?

If you want to get a reliable and durable side-by-side refrigerator, you should consider getting it from GE, Samsung and LG.

Can You Get An Unbranded Fridge Instead?

Not if you want to get high quality and long-lasting refrigerator. Getting a fridge from a no-name brand is a terrible idea because most “aftermarket” brands are cheap but do not last. Most of these brands are temporary fixes that look pretty but fall apart at the seams within a few months of usage.

Which refrigerator brand is the least reliable?

If you’re looking for a refrigerator brands that are the least reliable, it might be worth considering Bosch and Frigidaire. A study found that Bosch and Frigidaire refrigerators were the most likely to experience issues, such as freezer burn, leakage, and power loss.

Which refrigerator lasts the longest?

The best refrigerator for longevity is the Whirlpool Gold Star 26 cu. ft. Side-by-Side Refrigerator. It has a 3-year warranty and has been tested to last up to 10 years.

What type of refrigerator has the most problems?

The most common type of refrigerator that has problems is the side-by-side. They are often poorly built and prone to breaking down.
The most common refrigerator problems are due to ice build-up and condensation. This can cause the refrigerator to overheat, making it difficult to maintain food temperature.

What is the number 1 refrigerator brand?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the best refrigerator brand can depend on a variety of factors such as price, features, and reliability. However, some popular refrigerator brands include Samsung, LG, and GE.

Is a 10-year-old refrigerator worth buying?

Generally speaking, no. Older fridges typically have shorter life spans and are less energy efficient than newer models. In addition, they may not be able to accommodate the increased storage needs of growing children or families.

What is the most expensive thing to fix on a refrigerator?

The most expensive thing to fix on a refrigerator is the cooling unit. This can cost up to $800.

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